

The Million Dollar Business Mastery Fast Track

You can spend a minimum of 5 years and hundreds of thousands of dollars trying to build your business. But why? Mikyle shares his proven process for growth that you can implement right away. Mikyle's frameworks will save you the 5-10 year learning curve! Receive the proven moves that your competitors and market leaders don't want you to know about!

Price: $997

The Million Dollar Business Blueprint System

Imagine having instant access to Mikyle's proprietary system that has made millions in sales for businesses just like yours. Forget struggling with years of trial-and error to get your business to 7 or 8 figures. This system will be your secret weapon for getting more clients, keeping them, and building a durable organization long term. Prepare to succeed at the highest level when you implement these proven moves now!

Price: $9,997

The Million Dollar Growth Accelerator

Join Mikyle live as teaches you inside The Million Dollar Growth Accelerator how to set up your business systems, build your mission critical evergreen marketing assets, & start getting results immediately. Discover the secrets to turning your perceived disadvantages into your most competitive edge during this hardcore training. Plus, apply to get selected for the JL Capital Portfolio of Companies where Mikyle will work directly with you post event to accelerate the growth of your company.

Price: $30,000

JL Capital's Portfolio CEO Inner Circle

Accomplishing at the highest level requires support. Every step of the way, Mikyle Jessen & $200M CEO Joseph Land are fully immersed in your journey - From start to scale, marketing, media, funding, capital allocation and more. Gain access to resources, contacts and support only available to founders at the highest level. Plus–immerse yourself in the community where you will find support, share great ideas, and celebrate your wins.

Price: $120,000 annually

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